3 Years … Or Life?

3 years

A  tree planted from a 4 inch graft stalk will start producing fruit in 3 years.

A 3 year old child will be able to speak 250 – 500 words.

It takes 3 years for light to travel 28,382,191,417,742.402 km’s .

A person can achieve a University degree after 3 years of study.

You can be sentenced to 3 years in jail for the possession of a restricted firearm.

A person can become a Canadian citizen within 3 years time.

Arrested Development’s album 3 years, 5 months & 2 days is on my Desert Island list

It took this person 3 years to build a 24 ft. long Lego replica of the USS Missouri http://lego.gizmodo.com/fisherman-spent-3-years-building-massive-24-foot-long-l-1726936025

This man paid off a $225,000 mortgage in 3 years! http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/mortgage-pay-off-three-years-1.3302229

If prostate cancer has spread to distant organs (metastasized), the average survival time is 1 – 3 years, but some of these patients may live much longer. http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/prostate-cancer/print.html

Average length of a Long Term Care facility stay is 1.5 years http://yourhealthsystem.cihi.ca/hsp/indepth?lang=en#/overall/f457221501941adce1e515edfd69d948f8400236/4/N4IgWg9gdgpgIjALgQwJYBsDOBhRAndEALlBgA8AHZKAExhuPwFcYBfVoAA

People with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia live, on average, about four and a half years after their condition is diagnosed.https://www.alzinfo.org/articles/people-with-dementia-have-shortened-life-expectancies/

As mentioned in a previous blog post the current waiting list for the Long Term Care facility my Father is in dates back to 2011. I have been cautioned it may take 3 years for my Mother to get a room in the same building as her husband of 60 years.

Perhaps I am stating the obvious here, but we are talking about a health care system specifically designed to help people at the end stages of life. What is the correlation between the needs of Alberta Seniors and the placement policies of Alberta Health Services?

3 years is too long.  3 years can break a person’s heart.

In the end, why did I write this letter? I want to find a way to reunite my parents and hope that by bringing public attention to their situation my Mother can qualify for a compassionate move and be transferred from the hospital to my Fathers facility. I also want to demand that a National Seniors Strategy be prioritized by the Federal Government. The Canadian Medical Association is advocating for this through their website http://www.demandaplan.ca/   “The CMA and its campaign partners believe Canada urgently needs to get our health system in shape to meet the growing and evolving needs of our aging population.” My parents experience is proof positive that the current system is broken. PLEASE SHARE THIS STORY.

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